We believe in dialogue, in intersecting lives, in getting people out of comfortable isolation.

Whether through games, events, or digital content, we're here to burst your bubble.


Born in Manila, made in California, now based in Amsterdam, Miguel is photographer-filmmaker-all-around creative. For years, he shot documentaries, short films, and commercials with clients ranging from Chevrolet to Johnson's to Netflix. Now, he lives life on a per-project basis, with the latest being So Cards. On the surface, it's just a box of conversation starters, but it's more than that. The questions themselves came from years of making documentaries and getting people to open up. Whatever the medium – whether it's photo, film, prose, or live events, Miguel's mission is to understand different cultures, point out its quirks, and figure out ways to go back to what makes us human.

TLDR: Miguel makes people talk for a living.

And speaking in third person is strange.